We are UCCA: Unarmed Commando Combat Academy, a government recognized Public Trust Organization committed to serving
the Indian Forces in innovative Counter Terrorism Close Quarter Battle Training without compensation from 1994-2007 (current)
We have founded an art ACCS: Advanced Commando Combat System based on the doctrine of Sun Tzus ART OF WAR. Today ACCS
training has been welcomed by the Indian Army, Counter Terrorism Forces, Special Forces, Special Operation Forces, Delta
Force, Nation al Sec urity Gua rd (B l a c k C a ts ), An ti Terro rism Squads Mumbai & Goa Police, etc.
We are authorities in Sun Tzus ART of WAR. We have tremendous experience of training Indian Forces
Tremendous Experience in training Corporate Top Management.
We offer the following Workshops & Seminar Modules for Use by your Business House